Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Kat's Karrots

We harvested the first batch of carrots from Katherine's garden patch and this is what we came up with. We decided to harvest them so we could use the space for an 'all-beet' patch and started a new carrot patch elsewhere.


elizabeth said...

lovely carrots. Been enjoying your blog since you left a comment on mine; I enjoy very much your writing about your family and life. So glad you are here!

Xen Xen said...

Thanks! I appreciate comments and people popping by! I hope you are having a good day!

Martha said...

The carrots are beautiful...I love all the colors! We have just orange carrots and purplish beets. We have harvested a little, the carrots should grow bigger, but our beets are as big as they'll get, they stay nice and fresh in the dirt, we pull them as we need them!

heather west said...

Those are totally radical.

Xen Xen said...

Maybe I ought to have labeled them her Technicolor Karrots ;o)