Wednesday, December 14, 2011

From, 'Wounded By Love', By Elder Porphyrios

"Complete trust in God-that's what holy humility is. Complete obedience to God, without protest, without reaction, even when some things seem difficult and unreasonable. Abandonment to the hands of God. The words we repeat during the Divine Liturgy say it all: "Let us commend our whole life to Christ our God." The secret prayer of the priest says the same thing: "We commend our whole life and hope to You, O loving Master, and we entreat You and beseech You and supplicate You..." To You, Oh Lord, we leave everything. That is what trust in God is. This is holy humility. This is what transfigures a person..."


Empower Her Faith | AL said...

Yes total and complete surrender to Him. Not very easy but once it is done it is life changing and wonderful... I love Elder Prophyrios and this book especially...

elizabeth said...

much needed words these days...