Thursday, January 10, 2013

Quiet Beauty

We had our walk this morning and Kat did some sledding on Penguin Hill. While she was busy sliding and hollering, having a blast, I walked just a bit further up the road to keep the blood moving. There is an area where the road crosses a shallow bit of creek and it was too beautiful not to take note. I walked back to Jay to grab the iPad to capture what I could of it. Here is what I saw:


Martha said...

Lovely! Our snow all melted was sunny and about 60'F. It was really nice, but I sure hope we have more snow in store.

elizabeth said...

very nice! I always love your posts! :) I was thinking of you again earlier today as we have gone through similar (moving places) transitions at about the same time... love to you! :)

heather west said...

AMAZING!!!! FINALLY some pics!!!! Thanks for that. . .